Backend SDK Reference

This guide is meant for developers that are NOT using Descope Flows to design login screens and authentication methods.

If you'd like to use Descope Flows, Quick Start should be your starting point.

Descope Backend SDKs

This is a list of the current backend SDKs we support.

Authentication Methods

Since you are not using Descope Flows, your application must implement the authentication flows and error handling in this approach. The authentication guides below contain step-by-step implementation of different authentication methods using Descope Backend SDKs.

Each guide will direct you through the steps you need to follow irrespective of your chosen language and framework. The guides also contain sample code for all the languages and frameworks supported by Descope.

Authentication MethodDescriptionGuide
One Time Password (OTP)A single-use code that grants a user access to your application. Descope supports OTP sent via SMS and email today.Guide
Magic LinkA single-use link sent to a user's email address or phone via sms that grants them access to your application.Guide
Enchanted LinkAn enhanced version of magic link that enables a user to login by clicking a link on a different device.Guide
Social Login (OAuth)Enable users to access your application by using identities they have created on other applications (Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).Guide
Authenticator AppsEnable users to access your application by using time-based numeric codes generated by apps like Google Authenticator and Authy.Guide
Biometrics (WebAuthn)Enable users to access your application by using passkeys built into their devices (fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, security keys).Guide
Single Sign On (SSO/SAML)Enable users to access your B2B application using single sign-on with identity providers like Google, Microsoft, and Okta.Guide

Backend SDK Sample Apps

You can reference the sample applications below to familiarize yourself with the different methods and quickly start your backend-side implementation.

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