Descope Management

The Descope service enables granular configuration and management of their Descope instance. Within the Descope UI, you will see the manage section on the left-hand side. This area within the UI allows you to manage your users, access keys, tenants, and authorization and also contains your project's audit trail.

You can learn more about the various customizations and management under the following articles.

Management Keys

Descope allows you to manage your instance through the Descope SDK utilizing a management key. You can create, edit, and delete management keys within the Management Keys page within the Descope UI. When creating a management key, you will provide a name and expiration. Management keys can also be associated with specific projects within your company. The associated projects are configured during the creation of management keys and cannot be changed later. The options for expiring management keys are 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or never. You will receive the key in clear text when creating a management key; ensure you safely store it, as you will not be able to view it again once. Once you have created a management key, you can utilize the management key and project id to use the management SDK or the management API.

Management Key Lifecycle

Management keys will continue to function as long as they are active and not expired. Once the management key is expired or deactivated, it will no longer be usable. Within the UI, you can deactivate (revoke) management keys; however, the management key will remain in the Descope project and may be reactivated if you choose to reactivate them. You can also delete management keys. Once a management key is deleted, it will no longer be usable. Deleting access keys will remove the access key's details from the Descope project.

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