API Reference/Management

User Management API Overview


Using the user management APIs enables administrators to manage their users utilizing a management key.

Management keys are generated from Company > Management Keys. These keys will be used within the bearer token. The format is <Project ID>:<Management Key>.

Use Cases

User Management:

  1. Load User
  2. Get User Provider Token
  3. Get Available Custom Attributes
  4. Create a Custom Attribute
  5. Delete a Custom Attribute
  6. Search Users
  7. Get User's Login History
  8. Create User
  9. Batch Create Users
  10. Update User
  11. Update User Status
  12. Update User Email
  13. Update User Login ID
  14. Update User Phone
  15. Update User Display Name
  16. Update User Picture
  17. Update User Custom Attributes
  18. Update JWT
  19. Expire User Password
  20. Set an Active User Password
  21. Set a Temporary User Password
  22. Update User Add Tenant
  23. Update User Remove Tenant
  24. Update User Add Role
  25. Set User's Roles
  26. Update User Remove Role
  27. Add Application to User
  28. Set Applications for User
  29. Remove Application from User
  30. Log user out of all sessions
  31. Delete User's passkeys
  32. Delete User
  33. Batch Delete User's


Example - load user

Utilize the Load User api endpoint to get the user information.

Caution! Do not use this ability inside a high called function such as an authentication middleware to get the user information! Instead learn how to implement custom claims to receive the data in the session token.

Example - create user

  1. Utilize the Create User api endpoint to create the user and apply the correct configuration for the user.
  2. The user can then login utilizing any sign-in api supported. This will then switch the user from invited to active.

Example - update a user's settings

There are multiple API methods which can modify users settings.

It is important to understand the difference between Update User and the other endpoints. Update User will take the configurations for the user provided and will overwrite all user settings. This means that if the user currently has email and phone, but the update only includes email, the phone and other non-provided configurations will be removed. With this, it is recommended to utilize the other update methods when updating fewer items on the user.

When a user's details are updated, for example additional roles are added, or other items regarding the user's details, the JWT will automatically be updated within the user's current session.

  1. Update User
  2. Update User Status
  3. Update User Email
  4. Update User Login ID
  5. Update User Phone
  6. Update User Display Name
  7. Update User Picture
  8. Update User Custom Attributes
  9. Expire User Password
  10. Update User Add Tenant
  11. Update User Remove Tenant
  12. Update User Add Role
  13. Update User Remove Role
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