API Reference/Management

Tenant Management API Overview


Using the tenant management APIs enables administrators to manage their tenants utilizing a management key.

Management keys are generated from Company > Management Keys. These keys will be used within the bearer token. The format is <Project ID>:<Management Key>.

Use Cases

Tenant Management:

  1. Load All Tenants
  2. Load Tenant By ID
  3. Search Tenants
  4. Create Tenant
  5. Update Tenant
  6. Delete Tenant


Example - create tenant

  1. Utilize the Create Tenant api endpoint to create the tenant and apply the correct configuration to the tenant.
  2. You can then add users to the tenant via Update User Add Tenant, Update User, or Create User
  3. You can apply also sso configurations to the tenant via the SSO Management API

Example - update a tenants's settings

Utilize the Update Tenant api endpoint to update the name or selfProvisioningDomains settings of the tenant.

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