Magic Link APIs


Using the Magic Link APIs allow enables users to sign in by clicking a link delivered to their email or phone.

Read about Magic Link implementation types here

This authentication method type has two phases:

  1. Initiate the process and send the magic link - this is initiated with the application sign-in or sign-up screens
  2. Verify the token and return the session and refresh tokens (signed-in user)

Use Cases

  1. Sign up a new user
  2. Sign in an existing user
  3. Sign in with auto sign-up a new user if not exists
  4. Update user's email address
  5. Update user's phone number


Example - sign up, over email

  1. Trigger the sign up process with the Sign-Up endpoint When action complete successfully, a magic link will be generated with a token, and delivered to the user's email.
  2. When the use clicks on the magic link, call the Verify Magic Link endpoint. When the token is validated, the endpoint will return a signed-in user (session and refresh tokens).
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