Password APIs


Using the password APIs is single phase for Sign-Up and Sign-In. Upon successful authentication, the user will be logged in and the user's JWT will be returned. When resetting the password reset, the user will need to verify via email. The password reset endpoint will only succeed if the user has a validated email address.

Use Cases

  1. Sign-Up a new user via password authentication
  2. Sign-In an existing user via password authentication
  3. Initiate a password reset.
  4. Replace an existing user's password
  5. Update an existing user's password


Example - user sign-up via password

  1. Utilize the Sign-Up api endpoint. Upon successful sign-up, the user's JWT will be returned.

Example - reset user's password

  1. Utilize the Reset Password api endpoint.
  2. The user will receive a reset password email and you will then need to verify the user after the password reset is sent via email, this would need to be done via Verify Magic Link .

Example - update user's password

  1. Utilize the user's refresh token and update the user's password via Update Password