Quickstart Guide

Descope makes it very easy to enable a variety of different user authentication methods in your application. The recommended approach of integrating Descope in your application, which is also the most straightforward and extensible way, is to use Descope Flows.


Please complete the Getting Started Wizard to set up your Descope Project, before following the steps below.

This guide will cover the basics on how you can implement Descope Flows in your application. All you'll need is your Project ID to get started.

How do you plan to use Descope?

Flows are the easiest and recommended approach to implementing auth in your application. With either Native Implementation or Auth Hosting, you can easily develop a beautiful, frictionless, and secure authentication experience for you customers.

However, there are two other ways you can utilize Descope in your application without using Flows. You can read about these two other implementation methods below.

Would you like to integrate Descope without using Flows?

If you would like to build out your own frontend login experience, but you want to rely on Descope for just the session management in the frontend, you can use our Client SDKs.

If you would like to build out your frontend completely from scratch, including the session management, and build out your own custom APIs for authentication with your backend, you can use our Backend SDKs.

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