Common Errors

CODEInformationAdditional Context
E011001Request is malformed: Received tenant from query param, but it does not match any patternA tenant with the received name was not found. Check whether the tenant exists and whether the name was not misspelled.
E061102One time code is invalidThe provided one-time code is invalid. Note that you can change the number of attempts in the authentication method settings.
E102116Invalid task ID: Execute next direct workflow failed. Failed to get execution infoDuring flow execution, the next flow step was not found. Ensure that the steps are connected throughout the flow and all the way to the end step.
E103205Did not find execution context: Flow timed out, please try to refreshThe Descope flow component has been idling for too long. Refreshing the component will create a new flow execution.
E062504Token expired: Failed to load magic link tokenThe magic link has expired. The user will need to restart the authentication process to receive a fresh magic link token.
E063010Failed loading magic/enchanted link from cache, was not found, might be expiredThe magic link has expired. The user will need to restart the authentication process to receive a fresh magic link token.
E011003Request is invalid: The [NAME] field is requiredThis field cannot remain empty, please make sure you provide it.
E061104One time code expiredThe one-time code has expired. The user needs to restart the authentication or resend the OTP code to receive a valid new code.
E062503Token not verified: Unauthorized enchanted link status - token was not verified yetThe enchanted link has expired. The user needs to restart the authentication process to receive a fresh enchanted link token.
E062115Attempt to login with unverified email or phone: Unverified email / phoneThe user tried to log in with an unverified e-mail or phone number. When used here, the number or email must be verified first.
E062108User not found: Cannot find userUser was not found. Descope uses LoginId to identify the user, make sure that the right loginId is used for the specific step or SDK.
E062904Password does not satisfy policy: Password must contain at least one non-alphanumeric characterUser did not comply with the password policy when setting his password. It is recommended to use the policy previewer component so that the user will be able to see why the password was rejected.
E062904Password does not satisfy policy: Password must contain at least one uppercase characterUser did not comply with the password policy when setting his password. It is recommended to use the policy previewer component so that the user will be able to see why the password was rejected.
E064002Empty or Non Existent Refresh Token JWT was providedToken is missing. When using a custom domain check whether the DS or DSR are absent from the localStorage or the cookie.
E062904Password does not satisfy policy: Password must contain at least X charactersUser did not comply with the password policy when setting his password. It is recommended to use the policy previewer component so that the user will be able to see why the password was rejected
E062904Password does not satisfy policy: Password must contain at least one lowercase characterUser did not comply with the password policy when setting his password. It is recommended to use the policy previewer component so that the user will be able to see why the password was rejected
E062901Invalid signin credentials: attempt #XUser did not comply with the password policy when setting his password. It is recommended to use the policy previewer component so that the user will be able to see why the password was rejected
E062904Password does not satisfy policy: Password must contain at least one numberUser did not comply with the password policy when setting his password. It is recommended to use the policy previewer component so that the user will be able to see why the password was rejected
E069000PKCE Validation Failed: Failed to verify link - PKCE Validation Failed: PKCE challenge and verifier do not matchPKCE already used, or the challenge and the verifier do not match. Validate that the PKCE is being used for the first time, or that it is being created and passed properly.
E061301Failed to exchange token: Failed to exchange sso codeWrong or missing SSO code for exchange.
E062209Token exchange with OAuth provider failed, please validate your OAuth setup: [E062108] User not found: User does not exists [error: [E013009]]For signing in with OAuth, the user must exist first in the Descope user table.Check that the user exists or have the user sign up.
E062901Invalid signin credentialsOne of the provided credentials is wrong, used for password authentication.
E061103Max attempts exceeded for one time codeUser has reached the maximum attempts verifying the log in with the OTP. This may be an attempt to break into the account.
E102111Flow reached limit of allowed tasksThe amount of tasks executed exceeded 1000. Check your flow for infinite loops.
E102103Did not find next task: Could not get next task for [NAME]During flow execution, the next flow step was not found. Ensure that the steps are connected throughout the flow and all the way to the end step..
E061002Sign up is not allowed: Self provisioning signUp is not allowedSign ups are not allowed. This may be a result of checking the “Block self-registration sign up” in the project settings page.
E033005Rate limit exceeded: Exceeded the allowed number of emails in a the defined time frame. Please wait a while and try againUser actions triggered several email messages which exceeded the limit. It is recommended to check the flow and the user actions to find a way to prevent this from happening again.
E125004Connector execution runtime error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND URLThe connector’s URL is not reachable. This may be a network issue. Check the URL and the network and if everything seems to be in order, contact Descope.
E064003Invalid Refresh Token JWT was provided: Failed to load userUser’s JWT provided did not find any existing users in the project. Please make sure you are using the right project.
E013009Connector not foundFlow is using a connector that does not exist. Check whether the connector exists.
E062903Password signin failedWrong password provided.
E023001User is disabled: User disabledUser is disabled. Enable the user through the UI or API. You can also alert your users when they are disabled and provide them an option to contact support.
E067010User doesn't have any WebAuthn credentialsThe user tried to sign-in with passkeys, and does not have a passkey set on the device. See the ‘promote-biometrics’ flow as an example of how to set up a passkey.
E062910Password cannot be reused [error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = [E062910] Password cannot be reused]User tried to set a password that has been used before. You can control the number of passwords that Descope checks against, by going into the password authentication method settings.
E106003Could not find tenant: Cannot determine tenant from JWTHappens when performing an authorized action and the tenant is required for performing the action.
E031002Missing providers SettingsThe provider specified in the flow is missing (probably deleted).
E011001Request is malformed: SSO not supported for domainThe user tried to log in with SSO, but there is not a single tenant with the email domain associated with the user.
E067015Login transaction not foundThe passkey operation timed out
E073307Failed to save tenant, tenant ID or Name already exist: Failed creating tenant because provisioning domains are duplicateThe tenant already exists. Happens when self-provisioning is used inside a flow or the requested tenant has the same email domain.
E106004Could not find tenant: Illegal tenant requestedThe name of the tenant does not exist in Descope.
E032101Failed to send sms: Status: 429 - Max send attempts reachedThe maximum number of attempts to send an SMS to a specific number has been reached.
E062605Token exchange with SSO provider failed: Cannot generate redirect URIAccording to the IDP, the redirect URI is not configured or is missing from metadata. Please make sure all of the URLs are set correctly on the IDP.
E062907Password reset send failedThis can be a result of wrong email provider settings. Check the relevant connector.
E102112Invalid execution idFlow execution ID not found. Restart the flow to create a new ID.
E023009Cannot merge with test user: Cannot merge with test userTest users are not permitted.
E062906Password update failedUpdating the password failed.
E062111JWT invalid for update user flow - JWT does not match userThe JWT provided does not match the user.
E102004Flow requested is in old version, need to reload page: Got wrong version after reloadFlow has changed, refresh the page to get a newer flow version.
E011002Request is missing required argumentsThe request has a missing or invalid argument that does not comply with the field’s format. Make sure to provide that field or check the validity of the field.
E103003Failed getting flow: Failed loading flow by IDFlow ID was not found on the project. Make sure you have the right flow ID or that you are using the right project ID.
E011003Request is invalid: The pkceVerifier field must be exactly 32 bytesWhen initiating the log in with PKCE - the verifier should be exactly 32 bytes long.
E011003Request is invalid: The redirectUrl field must be at most 2048 charactersThe redirect URL provided exceeds 2048 characters. A longer URL is not supported.
E032001Failed to send email: Failed to send email through SES (MessageRejected): Email address is not verifiedSES requires the sender email to be verified on AWS. Make sure you follow the steps to verify it.
E032106Invalid Phone number provided to phone SMS: Failed to send SMS - Invalid Phone To +xx-xxxxxxThe phone number provided does not comply with the phone number format.
E062108User not found: User not found during NOTP sign-in verificationUser was not found in Descope when trying to sign-in with NOTP. Verify that the user exists or switch to signing the user up if applicable.
E062605Token exchange with SSO provider failed: User is disabledUser Is disabled in Descope. The user table allows you to enable the user.
E064011JWT inactive for too long: Failed getting tenants from JWT.The operation requires a specific tenant to work. The JWT contains either no tenant or multiple tenants.
E011003The code field must be exactly 6 charactersWhen using OTP, the code should be exactly 6 characters long.
E011003The loginOptions.pkceChallenge field must be exactly 32 bytesWhen initiating the log in with PKCE - challenge should be exactly 32 bytes long.
E061003Redirect URL does not match the approved domain listWhen using a custom redirect URL with an IDP, make sure to add the domain to the approved domain list in the project settings page.
E062208Failed to create user from mapping, external ID does not existWhen trying to merge identities from SSO / OAuth in a sign in process, there is no existing user with the associated ID (e-mail or phone number).
E125004Connector execution runtime error: Task timed out after x secondsResponse to the connector request took too long. Either increase the timeout in the connector step or check the destination machine for any issues.
E062107User already exists in SignUp.User with the provider login ID already exists, use sign in or sign up / in instead.
E103202Polling status not found.Magic Link / Enchanted Link reference not found, it is probably expired by time or already clicked on. Try sending it again.

OAuth OIDC Related Errors

Token exchange with OAuth provider failed, please validate your OAuth setup.

These errors might indicate a misconfiguration on both sides, the SP and the IDP. Here is a list of all of the errors that might occur when Descope is the SP. To further debug IDP related issues, read the documentation that is associated with the error message and the specific IDP used.

InformationAdditional Context
Failed to connect to user info endpointEither the user endpoint cannot be reached or does not return a valid JSON.
his OAuth Provider is not enabled, need to allow in project settings firstThe provider that was used in the flow is not enabled.
The user has denied access to the scope requested by the client applicationThe user has declined the access request of the app.
Disabled user in oauth exchangeThe user is disabled in Descope.
User already exists: User already existsThe user already exists and sign up is rejected. Use sign in instead.
User not found: User does not existsthe user must exist first in the Descope user table.Check that the user exists or have the user sign up.
Request is missing required argumentsThe provided e-mail address does not comply with the e-mail format.


Are you facing an error that is not listed here? Please contact us, and we will make sure to list it.

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