Integrations and Connectors/Connectors/Setup Guides/Fraud

Traceable Connector

Descope's Traceable connector enables developers to add deep, contextual user behavioral data to their authentication and user journey flows. This connector combines the advanced, AI-driven behavioral intelligence of Traceable with the drag-and-drop authentication and user journeys of Descope to help developers easily add identity fraud prevention controls to their login flow.

Setting Up The Traceable Connector

To integrate the Traceable connector, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Connector

  • Visit your Descope dashboard.
  • Follow: Dashboard -> Connectors.
  • Choose “Traceable”.

2. Connector Setup

Ready your Traceable private API access token for integration.

traceable connector setup

Proceed with the necessary inputs:

  • Connector name: Assign a custom name for your connector, especially useful when using multiple connectors originating from the same template.
  • (Optional) Connector description: A brief description of your connector's purpose.
  • Secret Key: The Traceable secret API access token generated for the Descope service which you can gather from your Traceable's setting page.
  • EU Region: Use EU(Europe) Region deployment of Traceable platform. Default is US.

3. Test & Save

  • Validate your configuration by clicking the Test button and observing the Test Results section.
  • Conclude the setup process by selecting Create.

Implementing the Traceable Connector in Your Flow

1. Select or Create a Flow

  • Access your Dashboard -> Flows.
  • Opt for an existing flow or generate a new one.

2. Integration

Click on the blue plus sign inside the flow builder and choose "Connector". You should be able to see the new connector action as shown below:

traceable connector flow component

Integrating that connector action inside a flow can be used in various scenarios. Here is an example of a flow that utilizes the result as follows:

traceable connector flow component

traceable connector flow condition

The flow checks whether the email reputation of the user is bad or the riskScore is above 0.85 (this integer can be altered at your wish) and, if so, you show the user a blocked screen and block the user. If not, verify the user with an OTP and continue ahead.

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