Integrations and Connectors/Connectors/Setup Guides/Marketing

HubSpot Connector

Descope's HubSpot connector bridges the CRM capabilities of HubSpot within your authentication or user management flow. From creating a new contact to fetching existing contact information, integrating this connector streamlines your CRM operations. This guide offers insights into setting up the HubSpot connector and including it in your flows.


The HubSpot connector relies on specific API access tokens, ensuring secure and reliable integration.

Setting Up The HubSpot Connector

To integrate the HubSpot connector, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Connector

  • Visit your Descope dashboard.
  • Follow: Dashboard -> Connectors.
  • Choose “HubSpot”.

2. Connector Setup

Ready your HubSpot private API access token for integration.

HubSpot connector setup

Proceed with the necessary inputs:

  • Connector name: Assign a custom name for your connector, especially useful when using multiple connectors originating from the same template.
  • (Optional) Connector description: A brief description of your connector's purpose.
  • Access Token: The HubSpot private API access token generated for the Descope service.
  • Custom base URL: The base path URL of the HubSpot API. The default is
  • Use Static IPs: If enabled, the connector will have IPs for all requests that are made. This is useful for adding the the connector's IPs to the allow-list in your firewall.

3. Test & Save

  • Validate your configuration by clicking the Test button and observing the Test Results section.
  • Conclude the setup process by selecting Create.

Implementing the HubSpot Connector in Your Flow

1. Select or Create a Flow

  • Access your Dashboard -> Flows.
  • Opt for an existing flow or generate a new one.

2. Integration

Introduce the HubSpot connector blocks, either 'Get Contact', 'Create Contact', 'Create Deal', or 'Create Company' into your flow based on the requirements.

  • Get Contact will require the contact_id to retrieve relevant information.
  • Create Contact will require you input the necessary contact details such as name, email, address, etc.
  • Create Deal will require a Deal Name with optional fields of amount, deal stage, pipeline, and Hubspot owner id.
  • Create Company will require a Company Name and Company Domain Name with optional fields of company attributes you can add.

Depending on the outcome of the 'Create Contact' action—success, duplication, or failure—you can then connect this block to various subsequent actions within your flow.

With this integration, you can now automate Hubspot tasks within your flow, leveraging the capabilities of HubSpot seamlessly.

(Optional) Additional Features and Considerations:

For those keen on exploring further, consider:

  • Implementing conditions to manage flow based on 'Get Contact' results.
  • Utilizing other HubSpot functionalities or integrating more third-party connectors to enhance your flow.
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