ConnectorsSetup GuidesOther

CLEAR Connector

CLEAR is an identity verification company that allows you to digitally verify your customer's identities from anywhere. Descope's CLEAR Connector allows you to verify a user's identity through CLEAR and use the result of the verification throughout a flow. This guide will walk you through configuring the connector and incorporating it into your Descope Flows.

Note: The CLEAR Connector requires having a CLEAR Verified account for use in a flow.

How to Configure

You can begin the configuration with the steps listed below.

  1. Obtain CLEAR Verified API Key:
    • Login to your CLEAR Verified Dashboard.
    • Navigate to the API keys section.
    • Select Add API App, and name it.
    • Copy and save the API key as you can only see it once.

CLEAR API Key Creation

  1. Create a new project in CLEAR

    • Navigate to the Project section in the Dashboard
    • Create a new project
    • Configure it to verify whatever information is needed
    • Copy the project ID
  2. Configure the Connector:

    • In your Descope project, navigate to the Connectors section.
    • Select the CLEAR Connector.
    • Name the connector
    • Enter the API key you generated in Step 1
    • Enter the Project ID you generated in Step 2
    • Save your configuration by clicking Create.

CLEAR Connector setup

After configuring the connector, you can use it in your Flows to verify user information and store the result in a context key.

How to Use the Connector

After configuration is complete, you should see this Connector under the list of Connectors in your flow:

Adding connector to flow

You can alter the Step name, handle errors, and test the configuration while editing the connector in the flow.

Managing connector in flow

After verifying the user's identity, the result will be accessible through the Context Key as JSON data regardless of whether the verification succeeded or not.

The status of the verification can be used as a condition in the flow:

Using status of CLEAR response as a condition

Error Handling

The CLEAR connector can handle specific errors related to creating the session in CLEAR and retrieving the result from the verification. Depending on the status code, you can handle either of the following in your flow:

  • Failed to create session
  • Failed to get session

You can create a custom error message, perform a different action in the flow, or ignore the error completely using the connector's error handling.


With Descope's CLEAR Connector, you can easily verify a user using CLEAR by asking about user information, checking government ID, and using a photo to compare likeness to the government ID.

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