Widget Customization


Descope Widgets are embeddable components designed to facilitate the delegation of operations to your application's users. Through the console, you can fully customize the display and functionality of your widgets according to your user's needs. These widgets can be utilized in both B2B and B2C contexts, allowing your users to perform various tenant, user management, and project level operations from within the application itself.

This may include management tasks intended for delegation to tenant administrators within a tenant-based framework or other self-service widgets tailored to user needs. Widgets are only able to be used with our client side SDKs.

Descope UI

Navigating to the widget page lets you see the widgets that are available. You can click on the widgets to edit and preview them:

Descope widgets in console

By clicking on a widget, you can edit its design and logic. You can add/remove/alter buttons and text within the widget, as well as modify the design of the widget container and the components within. Within the User Profile widget, you can include custom attributes, and mark fields as Read-only and/or Mandatory. To edit a specific part of the widget, simply click on it and utilize the Design & Behaviors toolbar on the right:

Descope widget editor

Inside preview mode you can see how the widget will look like on the client side, including actions and light/dark mode:

Descope widgets in preview action


You can use the below SDKs to implement widgets in your app. Read more about each widget here.

LanguageGitHub Location
ReactClick Here
AngularClick Here
NextjsClick Here
Vue.jsClick Here


You can customize the Widget Component by passing in the following props. These customizations can be applied to any of the available widgets:

  • theme: theme can be "light", "dark" or "os", which auto selects a theme based on the OS theme. Default is "light"
  • styleId: style Id can be the id of the style you wish to run your widget with
  • debug: debug can be set to true to enable debug mode

For example, this is how you would customize the User Management Widget:

import { UserManagement } from '@descope/react-sdk';

Prerequisites: Management Widgets

In order for your customer to use the management widgets they must:

  • Be logged into a session
  • Have a role with the "User Admin" permission for the specific tenant (you can use the built-in "Tenant Admin" role)

Available Widgets

User Management Widget

If you would like to allow admins to manage users from within your application, you can use this widget. This widget not only presents user data, but also enables the execution of various tasks by the customer, including:

  • Create a new user
  • Edit an existing user
  • Activate / disable an existing user
  • Reset an existing user's password
  • Remove an existing user's passkey
  • Delete an existing user


Custom fields will also appear in the table.


Descope user management widget

import { UserManagement } from '@descope/react-sdk';

Widget Permissions

When creating a custom attribute in the Users Tab, widget permissions are optional to set:

Descope widget roles

When provided, viewing and editing the attribute values will be restricted to users with the specified permission in their roles.

Role Management Widget

If you would like to manage roles from within your application, you can use this widget. This widget not only presents information about existing roles but also enables the execution of various tasks by the customer, including:

  • Create a new role
  • Change an existing role's fields
  • Delete an existing role


Delegating permission and role creation to tenant admins requires having delegation roles created and associated to the tenant admin. An example can be shown here.


  • The Editable field is determined by the user's access to the role - meaning that project-level roles are not editable by tenant level users.
  • You need to pre-define the permissions that the user can use, which are not editable in the widget.


Descope role management widget

import { RoleManagement } from '@descope/react-sdk';

Access Key Management Widget

If you would like to manage Access Keys from within your application, you can use this widget. This widget not only presents information about existing access keys but also enables the execution of various tasks, including:

  • Create a new access key
  • Activate / deactivate an existing access key
  • Delete an existing access key


Descope access key management widget

import { AccessKeyManagement } from '@descope/react-sdk';

Audit Widget

Some customers need an audit trail to monitor their users and check who performed a specific action. Embedding the audit table widget on your site automates the process of exposing that audit trail to your customers. The widget includes all tenant authentication events and custom audit events you might need to create for your customers.


Descope audit management widget

import { AuditManagement } from '@descope/react-sdk';

Create Audit Events

The tenant authentication events are displayed in the widget by default. At some point in your customer's lifecycle, you will need to add more and more events to support your product's transparency. With Descope, you can create audit events using the management api. Here is a quick example in Node.JS of how you can create an audit event and for it to be reflected in the widget:

await descopeClient.management.audit.createEvent({
  action: 'user.updated',
  type: 'info', // info/warn/error
  actorId: 'UXXX',
  tenantId: 'tenant-id',
  data: {
    some: 'data',

User Profile Widget

In most modern applications, the end users tend to have different preferences and settings, such as a profile picture and personal and professional information. It is expected to let your user customize their profile and experience, and that might also include their authentication methods that you should enable your users to use. The widget brings this experience to your users by embedding this component in your application. The widget enables your end users to:

  • Update user profile picture
  • Update user personal information
  • Update authentication methods (passkey, password, TOTP)
  • Logout


Descope user profile widget

import { UserProfile } from '@descope/react-sdk';
    theme={theme} // light / dark / os (auto detect)
    onLogout={() => {
      // add here you own logout callback
      window.location.href = '/login';

Applications Portal Widget

When federating customer identities, we can delight users by presenting them all the applications that they are allowed to access. The Applications Portal Widget, is used to present the available applications to the end users. The widget allows the end users to click and access the applications listed.


Descope user profile widget

import { ApplicationsPortal } from '@descope/react-sdk';
	theme="light" // light / dark / os (auto detect)
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