Session Overview
Descope implements the session management with two tokens to improve performance and security:
- Session Token
- Refresh Token
These tokens are implemented as JWTs (JSON Web Tokens), meaning that the information stored in the object is signed with a private key, and using the public key, any service can validate that the data was not tampered with by a malicious actor.
Your application server can validate the session token (short expiry time) without a connection to Descope service. If the application server finds the session token invalid, it calls the Descope service with the refresh token (longer expiry time) to get a new session token.
If the refresh token is invalid for some reason, such as a logout call or expiry time, then the user is forced to re-login.
Configurations for session management can be configured at a project level or tenant level. Please review the applicable guides for configuring session handling at a project or tenant level.
Descope Session JWT Structure
The Descope JWT contains standard and Descope specific claims:
amr: (Authentication Methods References): An array of the authentication methods used:
- OAuth was
- OTP, Magic Link, or Enchanted Link was used through email.sms
- OTP or Magic Link was used through sms.whatsapp
- Whatsapp nOTP was used.webauthn
- Passkeys were used.totp
- Authenticator app was used.fed
- SSO was used.pwd
- Password was used.mfa
- The user verified with two or more unique authentication methods.
drn: (Descope Resource Name) References where the token is stored.
exp: (Expiration Time): Specifies the expiration time of the token, represented as a UNIX epoch timestamp.
iat: (Issued At): The time the JWT was issued, represented as a UNIX epoch timestamp.
iss: (Issuer): Identifies the principal that issued the JWT. Within Descope's JWT, this is the Descope project ID.
sub: (Subject): The principal that is the subject of the JWT. Within Descope's JWT, this is the User ID of the user within Descope.
dct: (Descope Current Tenant): Holds the value of user's active tenant. If the user is associated with a single tenant within Descope, this claim is set to that tenant value.
tenants: A list of associated tenants (represented by unique IDs) associated with this JWT.
- For each tenant:
- permissions: A list of permissions granted to the subject within the context of that tenant.
- roles: Roles associated with the subject for that specific tenant.
- For each tenant:
Other claims can be added to the JWT utilizing custom claims within Descope.
Below is an example of a Descope Session JWT with tenants associated to the user.