The management SDK requires a management key, which can be generated here .
You can use Descope management SDK for common test user management operations like creating them user or updating them.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
npm i --save @descope/node-sdk
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
import DescopeClient from '@descope/node-sdk' ;
const managementKey = "xxxx"
try {
// baseUrl="<URL>" // When initializing the Descope clientyou can also configure the baseUrl ex: - this is useful when you utilize CNAME within your Descope project.
const descopeClient = DescopeClient ({ projectId: '__ProjectID__' , managementKey: managementKey });
} catch (error) {
// handle the error
console. log ( "failed to initialize: " + error)
// Note that you can handle async operation failures and capture specific errors to customize errors.
// An example can be found here:
This operation creates a new test user within the project with the details provided.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
// Args:
// loginId (str): The login ID of the test user to be created.
const loginId = "xxxx"
// email (str): Optional user email address of the test user to be created.
const email = ""
// phone (str): Optional user phone number of the test user to be created.
const phone = "+12223334455"
// displayName (str): Optional user display name of the test user to be created.
const displayName = "Joe Person"
// roles (List[str]): An optional list of the user's roles without tenant association. These roles are mutually exclusive with the `user_tenant` roles, which take precedence over them.
const roles = [ "TestRole1" ]
// userTenants (List[UserTenants]): An optional list of the user's tenants, and optionally, their roles per tenant. These roles are mutually exclusive with the general `role_names`, and take precedence over them.
const userTenants = [{ tenantId: 'TestTenant' , roleNames: [ 'TestRole' ] }]
// customAttributes (dict): Optional, set the different custom attributes values of the keys that were previously configured in Descope console app
const customAttributes = { "Attribute 1" : "Value 1" , "Attribute 2" : "Value 2" }
// picture (str): Optional url for user picture
const picture = "xxxx"
// verifiedEmail (bool): Set to true for the user to be able to login with the email address.
const verifiedEmail = true // or false
// verifiedPhone (bool): Set to true for the user to be able to login with the phone number.
const verifiedPhone = true // or false
// additionalLoginIds (optional List[str]): An optional list of additional login IDs to associate with the user
const additionalLoginIds = [ "MyUserName" , "+12223334455" ]
const resp = await createTestUser (
null ,
null ,
null ,
if ( ! resp.ok) {
console. log ( "Failed to create test user" )
console. log ( "Status Code: " + resp.code)
console. log ( "Error Code: " + resp.error.errorCode)
console. log ( "Error Description: " + resp.error.errorDescription)
console. log ( "Error Message: " + resp.error.errorMessage)
else {
console. log ( "Successfully created test user" )
console. log (
This operation generates an OTP code for authenticating a test user.
Note that signin is not complete without the user verification step ,
which can be performed using the backend SDKs.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
// Args:
// deliveryMethod: Delivery method to use to send OTP. Supported values include "email", "voice, or "sms"
const deliveryMethod = "email"
// loginId (str): The login ID of the user.
const loginId = "xxxx"
const resp = await generateOTPForTestUser (deliveryMethod, loginId);
if ( ! resp.ok) {
console. log ( "Failed to generate test user OTP" )
console. log ( "Status Code: " + resp.code)
console. log ( "Error Code: " + resp.error.errorCode)
console. log ( "Error Description: " + resp.error.errorDescription)
console. log ( "Error Message: " + resp.error.errorMessage)
else {
console. log ( "Successfully generated test user OTP" )
console. log ( "OTP Code: " +
This operation generates an Magic Link for authenticating a test user. The response contains the link, which contains the token
needed to verify the user within the user verification step ,
which can be performed using the backend SDKs. The token arrives as a query parameter named 't' which can be parse out of the link,
see examples below.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
// Args:
// deliveryMethod: Delivery method to use to send OTP. Supported values include "email", "voice, or "sms"
const deliveryMethod = "email"
// loginId (str): The login ID of the user.
const loginId = "xxxx"
// uri: this is the link that user is sent (code appended) for verification. Your application needs to host this page and extract the token for verification. The token arrives as a query parameter named 't'
const uri = "" // This can be an empty string for testing purposes
const resp = await generateMagicLinkForTestUser (deliveryMethod,loginId, uri);
if ( ! resp.ok) {
console. log ( "Failed to generate test user Magic Link" )
console. log ( "Status Code: " + resp.code)
console. log ( "Error Code: " + resp.error.errorCode)
console. log ( "Error Description: " + resp.error.errorDescription)
console. log ( "Error Message: " + resp.error.errorMessage)
else {
const token = split ( "?t=" )[ 1 ]
console. log ( "Successfully generated test user Magic Link" )
console. log ( "Magic Link Token: " + token)
This operation generates an Enchanted Link for authenticating a test user.
The generate Enchanted Link for test user call returns a pendingRef
and a link
. Parse the link to capture the token, then utilize the
backend SDK to verify the token . You will also
need to utilize the pendingRef
to poll for verification status in order to receive the test user's JWT.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
// Args:
// loginId (str): The login ID of the user.
const loginId = "xxxx"
// uri: this is the link that user is sent (code appended) for verification. Your application needs to host this page and extract the token for verification. The token arrives as a query parameter named 't'
const uri = "" // This can be an empty string for testing purposes
const resp = await generateEnchantedLinkForTestUser (loginId, uri);
if ( ! resp.ok) {
console. log ( "Failed to generate test user Enchanted Link" )
console. log ( "Status Code: " + resp.code)
console. log ( "Error Code: " + resp.error.errorCode)
console. log ( "Error Description: " + resp.error.errorDescription)
console. log ( "Error Message: " + resp.error.errorMessage)
else {
const token = split ( "?t=" )[ 1 ]
console. log ( "Successfully generated test user Enchanted Link" )
console. log ( "Enchanted Link Token: " + token)
console. log ( "Enchanted Link Pending Ref: " + resp. get ( "pendingRef" , "" ))
This operation generates an Embedded Link for authenticating a test user. The response returns the token to be used in
the user verification step , which can be
performed using the backend SDKs.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
// Args:
// loginId (str): The login ID of the user.
const loginId = "xxxx"
// customClaims (dict): Custom claims to add to JWT, system claims will be filtered out
const customClaims = { "custom-key1" : "custom-value1" , "custom-key2" : "custom-value2" }
const resp = await generateEmbeddedLink (loginId, customClaims);
if ( ! resp.ok) {
console. log ( "Failed to generate test user Embedded Link" )
console. log ( "Status Code: " + resp.code)
console. log ( "Error Code: " + resp.error.errorCode)
console. log ( "Error Description: " + resp.error.errorDescription)
console. log ( "Error Message: " + resp.error.errorMessage)
else {
const token =;
console. log ( "Successfully generated test user Embedded Link" )
console. log ( "Embedded Link Token: " + token)
This operation allows administrators to delete an existing test user. This action will delete the users forever and they will not be recoverable.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
// Args:
// login_id (str): The login_id of the user to be deleted.
const loginId = ""
const resp = await delete (loginId);
if ( ! resp.ok) {
console. log ( "Failed to delete user." )
console. log ( "Status Code: " + resp.code)
console. log ( "Error Code: " + resp.error.errorCode)
console. log ( "Error Description: " + resp.error.errorDescription)
console. log ( "Error Message: " + resp.error.errorMessage)
else {
console. log ( "Successfully deleted user." )
console. log (
This operation deletes all test users within the project. This action will delete these users forever and they will not be recoverable.
NodeJS Python Go Java Ruby
// Args:
// None
const resp = await deleteAllTestUsers ();
if ( ! resp.ok) {
console. log ( "Failed to delete test users" )
console. log ( "Status Code: " + resp.code)
console. log ( "Error Code: " + resp.error.errorCode)
console. log ( "Error Description: " + resp.error.errorDescription)
console. log ( "Error Message: " + resp.error.errorMessage)
else {
console. log ( "Successfully deleted test users" )