Flow Customization


In this article, you will learn how to customize your authentication flow with conditions. Conditional statements can be a crucial part of any authentication flow. With Descope, you can drag and drop them right into your authentication process with no code required.

Overview of Conditions

When customizing your flow with Descope, you might notice that many of the pre-configured flows contain this "Is new user?" condition:

Descope user conditions guide is new user

When customizing your flow, if you want to add something like this or any other conditions like it to your project, you can create a new one by following these simple steps:

Add the Condition

Head to Flows, and select the Blue + button in the bottom left corner:

Descope user conditions guide adding a condition

The Condition Box

Click on Condition, and a condition box will appear. Place this anywhere on the Flows panel and a popup will appear will all of the possible customizable options:

Descope user conditions conditional box

Conditional Statements

To create a conditional statement, select which key you would like to use, along with the respective value. In the case of "Is new user?", you will set the conditional using an authInfo property, as if it was a basic if-else statement:

Descope user conditions conditional statements

Dynamic Fields

You can check keys for specific strings, integers, boolean values, location data, and more. The options will change depending on the key you wish to add a conditional statement for:

Descope user conditions dynamic fields

Final Result

Finally, you can take your conditional statements and add them to your flow by dragging arrows to and from the previous and next step, as shown here:

Descope user conditions final result

Use cases

First Seen

A use case that can benefit an organization is differentiating between new users and those already onboard. For example, the condition can help invoke a second factor for authentication. Using the "authInfo.firstSeen" boolean key as shown below:

Descope user conditions final result

User Roles

Implementing a flow to triage based on a user's role can benefit an organization by determining the user journey according to their role. In this example, you can see that we can add a second layer of authentication for "Admin" users to ensure that the person logging into such a powerful account is indeed the administrator:

Descope user conditions roles

Descope user conditions flow roles triage

Please note that we cover multiple options for using roles, such as tenant-level roles, project-based roles for Descopers, and roles for unauthenticated users.

Authentication Methods (Post Authentication)

Using conditions to check whether some authentication methods are configured for a user can benefit certain use cases. For instance, if a user authenticates via email, they should also authenticate using TOTP if it is configured. This condition assists the Descoper in distinguishing between the authentication methods their users have:

Descope user conditions user auth methods condition

Descope user conditions user auth methods flow

Of course, more authentication methods exist, and are also available to be conditioned, such as Oauth, SAML, password, WebAuthn. These authentication methods are also added to the claims inside the JWT, and to the user response from any kind of SDK.

Impossible Traveler

The term "Impossible Traveler" asserts that users cannot physically connect from different locations within a defined period. For example, people cannot physically log in to their user account from their home computer and from a foreign country within the same hour. However, the user can log in from their neighbor's home computer at the same period of time. When this scenario happens, most of the time, this means that the person's account has been compromised. In Descope, you can use this flag:

Descope user conditions impossible traveler

IsEmail and IsPhone Handling

It is possible to condition login handling on whether a phone or email is being used to easily handle login requests and create a more robust and automated framework. By conditioning IsEmail and IsPhone it allows simple streamlining of convenient authentication for user login based on which ever is most suitable for the end user and determining whether they want to log in via phone or email and direct them to the appropriate flow.

IsEmail IsPhone Condition

IsEmail IsPhone Example Flow

Check for Disabled Users

A Descoper can check for disabled users in their user management using isDisabled flag. This way one can provide a different path in the flow if they need to work with disabled users. This is done by adding a condition in the flow with the context key unauthUser.isDisabled to check for a disabled user.

IsDisabled Example Condition

IsDisabled Example Flow

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out.

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