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New Relic Connector

Descope enables you to stream audit logs to New Relic using their log's API. You can use the New Relic connector to send in your audit events and troubleshooting logs from Descope.

Configure New Relic Connector in Descope


  1. Have a New Relic Account created.
  2. Make a note of your API key required to set up Connector on Descope side. (This key is available on your new relic platform under your profile labeled as "API Keys". Copy and paste "INGEST - LICENSE" type key value.)

Configuring the connector

Navigate to Descope's connector menu and search for New Relic Connector. Fill in the following parameters required for the connection:

  • Connector Name: Provide a unique name for your connector. This assists in distinguishing it when multiple connectors are derived from the same template.
  • Connector Description: Briefly explain the purpose of using this connector.
  • API Key: Ingest license Key / API Key of the New Relic account you want to report data to.
  • Data Center: (Optional) : The New Relic data center the account belongs to. Possible values are: US, EU, FedRAMP. Default is US.
  • Stream Audit Events: Decide if you want to send Audit events. Specify which events will be sent to Datadog (including tenant selection).
  • Stream Troubleshooting Logs: Decide if you want to send troubleshooting events.

Create New Relic Connector


Before creating your connector, its important to verify if the connector configurations works. For this simply click on "Test" and view the Test Results panel. Confirm it works and click Create.

View the Audit Logs

Once you have configured the connector successfully, your events will be sent to the API you specified. You can view the logs on the Descope side in the Audit tab under Audit and Troubleshooting. This should match the events in New Relic Connector under Logs -> All logs.

New Relic Logs

Clicking on one of the events, you see details of all fields being prefixed with descope.. You can remove or change the prefix via the connector configuration.

New Relic Logs Events

If you need to view the logs based on certain attributes like project-id, connectorId etc, click on the "Attributes" option under "All logs" and choose your desired filter to view respective logs.

New Relic Attributes

And that's it! You have now successfully configured New Relic Connector within Descope.

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