ConnectorsSetup GuidesMessaging

AWS SES Connector

Send emails with ease using the AWS SES Connector. This connector leverages Amazon Web Services' Simple Email Service (SES) to enable email sending capabilities. For detailed information on AWS SES, refer to the official documentation.

Ensure you have the email address (or domain) you intend to use verified with AWS SES. Then, you can proceed to obtain your AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from your AWS account.


To integrate the AWS SES Connector into your project, navigate to the Connectors page, select the AWS SES connector, and configure the following parameters:

  • Connector Name: Assign a custom name to your connector. This is particularly useful for differentiating between multiple connectors derived from the same template.
  • Connector Description: Provide a description of what your connector is used for.
  • Access Key ID: Your AWS Access Key ID.
  • Secret: Your AWS Secret Access Key.
  • Endpoint (Optional): Specify an endpoint URL, which can be either the hostname alone or a fully qualified URI.
  • Region: The AWS region your requests should be directed to (e.g., us-west-2).
  • Sender Address: The sender email address that will appear on outgoing emails. Make sure these are registered properly in your server.
  • Sender Name (Optional): The sender name that will appear on outgoing emails.

Amazon SES email config


Before you fully integrate your connector, it's important to test its configuration:

  1. Provide an email address to which a test email will be sent.
  2. Use the Test button to send a test email.

This process verifies that your connector is correctly configured and capable of sending emails through AWS SES.

For any issues or further assistance, consult the AWS SES documentation or contact Descope support.

Activating Connectors

After successfully configuring the AWS SES Connector, you can utilize it in various ways depending on your application's requirements. Whether it's sending notification emails, marketing content, or transactional messages, the AWS SES Connector streamlines the email delivery process within your projects.

  1. One-time Password (OTP)

The first way to use the Amazon SES connector is to send email OTP messages. Simply head to Authentication Methods, click One-time Password, and choose a different Connector to send emails.

Authentication methods OTP Amazon SNS email

You can even create custom templates to adjust the OTP message.

authentication methods otp email Amazon SNS custom template

  1. Send Email Messages in Flow

The second option is to add the Amazon SNS widget in the flow to send email messages. Simply navigate to the flow and add the connector widget.

Amazon SNS widget in flow

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