ConnectorsSetup GuidesMessaging

Telesign Messaging Connector

Using Descope's connectors allows you to use Telesign to send SMS with your own Telesign account and trigger it within the authentication flow. This article will guide you through setting up and using the Telesign Messaging connector.

Configure Telesign Messaging Connector

Descope uses your Telesign Customer ID and API key for integration.

To configure a Telesign Messaging connector, go to the Connectors page within the Descope Console, search for Telesign Messaging, and select the connector tile.


Below is a list of applicable settings for the Telesign Messaging connector.

  • Connector name: Custom name for your connector. This will come in handy when creating multiple connectors from the same connector template.
  • Connector Description: Briefly describe the purpose of this connector.
  • Customer ID: Telesign Customer ID. To obtain this, go to the Telesign Portal.
  • API Key: Telesign API Key, used to authenticate Telesign's services. To obtain this, go to the Telesign Portal.
  • Sender ID (Optional): A Telesign approved sender ID is the number or name that the end user sees at the top of an incoming message on their phone.
  • Template ID (Optional): The ID of the DLT template used for this message (only for sending SMS messages to recipients in India).
  • Entity ID (Optional): The ID of the entity sending this message (only for sending SMS messages to recipients in India).

You can test if your connector's configuration is working properly simply by hitting the Test button and viewing the Test Results panel.

Telesign Messaging connector initialization

Save your configuration by hitting Create.

Add your Telesign Messaging connector to a flow

Configure Telesign Messaging as the Default OTP Connector

To configure Telesign Messaging as your default connector for SMS OTP, navigate to OTP within Authentication Methods, and select the configured Telesign Messaging connector. You can further configure the default OTP template for your Telesign messages; for more details, see our guide for Using SMS Templates.

Once you have configured Telesign Messaging as the default connector within the OTP Auth method, Descope flows and any OTP calls via the API/SDK will utilize Telesign Messaging for OTP verification.

Configuring Telesign Messaging as the default OTP connector within Descope Authentication Methods

Using Telesign Messaging Explicitly in Flows

To override the default OTP connector within your flow to utilize Telesign Messaging, navigate to Flows and choose your flow. Once you are in the flow that you'd like to use Telesign Messaging, select and edit the action that starts the OTP process, such as Sign In, Sign Up, or Sign Up or In with OTP via SMS. If you have not yet added the OTP action, you can do so by clicking the blue + icon at the top left, searching and selecting the SMS OTP action, and then selecting and editing the initiating action.

In this example, we will update the Sign Up or In / OTP / SMS action to utilize the Telesign Messaging connector and override the configured default for the SMS OTP auth method.

Once in edit mode for the initiating OTP action, select the dropdown for the connector and choose your Telesign Messaging connector. After selecting the Telesign Messaging connector, click done, and save your flow. You can also select a customized template; for more details, see our guide for Using SMS Templates. This action within your flow will utilize the Telesign Messaging connector and override the configured default SMS OTP connector.

Configuring Telesign Messaging as the OTP connector to be used within Descope flow actions

Sending Custom Messages via Telesign Messaging in Flows

There may be a use case where you want to send a text message as part of your Descope flow that is not directly related to the OTP Auth flow; this section will describe how to use Telesign Messaging to send custom messages.

Navigate to: Flows, choose your flow. Then, tap the create button (designated via the + icon), select Connector, and choose Telesign Messaging connector.

Click to set down the connector in your flow editor and double click the action to add required fields:

  • To: Who the message should be sent to. Setting this dynamically based on previous attributes is recommended (eg. {{}}). As you type in the input field, options appear.
  • Message content: Enter the content of the SMS.

Telesign Messaging connector widget input

Now, link your connector at a logical point in your authentication flow, likely at the end of the flow after the phone number has been submitted by the user.

Telesign Messaging connector placement

That's it! Whenever a user goes through your authentication flow, the Telesign Messaging connector will be automatically triggered.

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