Handling Flow Errors

Debugging Flows

If you want to test and debug your flows to better understand the errors, there are a few ways you can do that with Descope.

Using Hosted Flow Application

The first and easiest way, is to use the hosted Descope Flow application that we offer, to see your flows in action:

Using Hosted Descope App: If you're using https://auth.descope.io/, you can append a &debug=true flag to your URL like so:


Using Self-Hosted Descope App: If you're hosting the application yourself by cloning the repo, in either localhost or somewhere else, the same &debug=true flag will be used.

The debugger will then appear in the right hand corner like this:

Hosted Flow with Debugger turned on

Using the Flow Runner

Within the Descope console, you can run your flows and see the output of the actions that occur during the flow execution. The flow runner output includes any errors for the flow execution as well. Using the flow runner within the console is very helpful in debugging your flow behavior in an easy-to-read manner.

To run the flow within the console, navigate to flows, select the flow you want to test, and click run towards the top right. Once you have started the flow, you'll see your debug messages populated on the screen, and any errors that occur will also be displayed there.

Debugging flows with the console flow runner

Using the SDKs

Under the Getting Started Guide for each of the SDK/Frameworks, you will see there is a debug option built into every Flow component. If you enable that in your application, you'll be able to debug problems in your flow, not relying on our flow hosting application.

If you have any other questions about Descope or how to debug your Flows, feel reach to reach out to us!

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