
This article will show how to create a custom audit event with a custom name and dynamic/static attributes inside a flow. The audit event can later be shipped to an external source, e.g., using the DataDog connector.

The Action

Create a new action by selecting the Generate Audit Event under the Actions sections inside the flow builder:
add action for audit event.

Fields overview

custom event action fields overview
  • Step Name: The name that will be displayed inside the flow builder UI. Name it as informative as you can.
  • Action: The machine name of the action will be the title for the whole event.
  • Type: The "Level" of the audit event - information / Warning / Error.
  • Data: A key-value pair of the data you would like to enter
  • Keys will hold the field's name that will hold the data.
  • Type (inside Data): The type of the field - choose dynamic for a field you would like to populate from the flow context.
  • Value: The value for that field. Upon choosing dynamic, auto-completed can be used.

The Audit Page

When an event has been successfully created, you can also observe it here in the audit page:

audit page custom event

Shipping Logs

Connectors inside Descope can take those "User Defined Events" to your external source. Here is an example of how it is shown with DataDog.

datadog custom audit events overview.