Date Component

This article will show how to use date type custom attribute and how to utilize the selection in a flow.

Screen Builder

Create a new screen inside a flow, and search for "Date":

date example

Options Overview

  • Context Key: Eventually, answers will be populated as a list inside a context key under form.
  • Label: The label will be presented to the customer right above the component.
  • Placeholder: A text that will be displayed inside the input component as a placeholder. Example: Date of Birth
  • Format: The available date format of calendar. The options are: MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, YYYY/MM/DD
  • Label Style: Dropdown of Static or Floating Label.
  • Direction: Text Direction (left to right/right to left).
  • Size: The size of the text value inside the component.
  • Fill container: Stretch to fit the container.
  • Mandatory (Behavior Tab): Determines if the user must select a value to continue to the next step.


With this date component, users can now enter a date manually or choose from the date picker by clicking on the calendar icon. This input component can be used to set, for example, a user's date of birth etc. Once using date input component and setting a context key, Descopers can use the user's selection in the flow as follows:

date field in Descope screen

date component in Descope screen

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