API ReferenceMagic LinkText Message (SMS)

Initiate a process that implements both sign-in and sign-up using a single endpoint. Descope will generate and deliver a clickable magic link as an SMS to the phone number specified. If the phone number is already registered (the end user has already registered) the user will be signed in. If the email address is not registered (the end user is not yet registered) the user will be signed up.

The clickable magic link is made up of two parts - the URI you provide in the URI field and the magic link token generated by Descope. For example, if URI=https://app.mycompany.com/magiclink/verify, the clickable magic link will be https://app.mycompany.com/magiclink/verify?t=magic-link-token. Magic links expire in the time frame configured in the Descope console, so sending multiple magic links (for example, when an end user tries to sign-up a second or third time) does not invalidate prior magic links that have already been sent.

Note that URI is an optional parameter. If omitted - the project setting will apply. If provided - it should to be part of the allowed Approved Domains configured in the project settings.

Next Steps

Verify the magic link token using the Verify Token endpoint.

See Also

  • See Magic link Authentication for details about implementing magic links.
  • See The User Object for further details on how to identify users and their contact information such as email addresses and phone number.
  • See User Login Options for further details on loginOptions.
  • Use the Sign-Up endpoint if you want a sign-up flow that will fail if the end user is already registered.
  • Use the Sign-In endpoint if you want a sign-in flow that will fail if the end user isn't yet registered.

Endpoint Authentication

Use authorization bearer header with the following format:

Authorization: Bearer \<Project ID\>

Try it


The Authorization access token


Bearer <token>

In: header

Request Body






Status codeDescription
curl -X POST "https://api.descope.com/v1/auth/magiclink/signup-in/sms" \
  -d '{
  "loginId": "string",
  "redirectUrl": "string",
  "loginOptions": {
    "stepup": false,
    "customClaims": {},
    "mfa": false,
    "ssoAppId": "string",
    "templateOptions": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "locale": "string",
    "pkceChallenge": "string"
  "providerId": "string",
  "ssoAppId": "string"

  "maskedPhone": "string"

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