SSO and SCIM Tutorials

Below are short video tutorials covering implementation of Single Sign-On (SSO), System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), IdP-Initiated Authentication, and Self-Service SAML Provisioning.

If you would like to look at our written knowledge base articles around SSO, they can be found under the SSO section within our knowledge base on the left navigation pane.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

The below videos cover how to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) within your provider and Descope. These are just examples from a few of the many providers; however, the configuration will be similar across providers.



Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)

The below videos cover how to configure Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) within your provider and Descope. These are just examples from a few of the many providers; however, the configuration will be similar across providers.


Creating users via SCIM is now supported. For configuration details, see the SCIM Provisioning documentation.



IdP-Initiated Authentication

IdP-initiated authentication is when you click a button or use a link provided by your IdP provider to be automatically authenticated within your application. The video below covers the step-by-step implementation of IdP-initiated authentication within Descope.

Self-Service SAML Provisioning

Descope enables you to embed Self-Service Provisioning for configuring SAML; this is implemented by adding a flow to your app. You can embed the out-of-the-box sso-config flow within your app. The video below covers the step-by-step implementation of Self-Service SAML Provisioning within Descope.

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