
Troubleshooting Cookies (with Safari)

Setting the session token via cookie does not work in Safari in HTTP. When you login in safari with an app that set sessionTokenViaCookie, the session is not in stored in the cookies storage (as shown in the images below).


browser cookies

Above, the cookie is nowhere to be found.

This is because Safari does not allow to you to set a JavaScript cookie that is Secure; from an HTTP website. So if you run the following in an HTTP served page in JavaScript:

document.cookie = "k1=v1;Secure;";

It will behave like the following:

  • Most browsers will store cookies from both HTTP and HTTPS.
  • on Safari, this will store the cookie only when executed in HTTPS page context.

To conclude, sessionTokenViaCookie will not work well in Safari if the website is running on HTTP because the way Safari implements cookies.

Using the SDKs

Under the Getting Started Guide for each of the SDK/Frameworks, you will see there is a debug option built into every Flow component. If you enable that in your application, you'll be able to debug problems in your flow, not relying on our flow hosting application.

If you have any other questions about Descope or how to debug your Flows, feel reach to reach out to us!

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