Angular Hash-Based Routing Issues
When using magic links or OAuth in an Angular application with hash-based routing, you may encounter an issue where the token passed in the URL is not properly verified. As a result, users are redirected back to the login or sign-up page without any progress or error messages. This issue is caused by how Angular’s default hash-based routing handles query parameters. This guide explains how to resolve this issue.
Custom Location Strategy
Since the default hash-based routing disregards query parameters, we must implement a custom hash-based location strategy that includes the query parameters. We first create the custom strategy by extending and overriding the default hash-based strategy:
Now we need to tell Angular to use this location strategy in app.module.ts
You should now be able to use Magic Link, Oauth, and Enchanted Link for both Flows and SDKs while continuing to use a hash-based location strategy in your Angular application.