This article will show how we can use the functionality of the tenant select component and explore its application within a flow. Using the tenant select component, we aim to provide an understanding of how to use the tenant details once selected.
The Component
Create a new screen inside a flow, and search for "Select Tenant":
Implementing Tenant Selection In A Descope Flows
Flow Overview
This following flow lets an administrator select a tenant that he is associated to, and triages on the tenant's name. If the name is 'test' the flow exits. Otherwise, the tenant SSO Configuration is printed to the screen:
A Closer Look At The Condition
Here is a closer look on the condition, that uses the tenant's name:
You can use the tenant's domain or domains and any custom attributes you define. For creating custom attributes, you can read further in this article.
Using The Selected Tenant Context Key
After selecting a tenant inside the screen, you can also query it from the context with form.userSelectedTenant
JWT After Tenant Selection
After the tenant has been selected, the JWT will have the dct
(descope current tenant) claim marking which tenant is the actively
selected tenant. If there's just one tenant associated with the user, Descopes does not have to select the tenant since the dct
is automatically set to that one tenant.
Updating Tenant Information
You can also use flows in administrative ways to update tenant information and have your tenant admin use them.
Update Email Domain
The email domain field helps you automatically associate users by their email domain to that tenant. Here is how you can embed a way to change the email domain inside a flow: