Upload Document

This article will show how to use the upload document component and how the uploaded document can be used in a flow using context keys.

Screen Builder

Create a new screen inside a flow, and search for "Upload document":

upload document component in Descope screen

Options Overview

  • Title: The title will be presented to the customer at the top of the component.
  • Description: Text that will be displayed inside the component for further direction to the customer.
  • Text: Text that will be displayed in the button to upload the document.
  • Color: The theme that the button will use, can be changed on the Styles page.
  • Direction: Text Direction (left to right/right to left).
  • Size: The size of the whole component.
  • Fill container: Stretch to fit the container.
  • Mandatory: Determines if the user must upload a document to continue to the next step.


After adding a Upload Document component to a screen, Descopers can use the document uploaded in the flow as follows:

using HTTP connector with document

Descopers can reference the document using the document context key. This can be used to send the document to an endpoint in a generic HTTP connector POST request.

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