
List or search flows within a project utilizing a management key.

This endpoint is used to list or search flows within a project.

To list all flows, send an empty body such as: { } or { "ids": [] }.

To search for a flow or several flows, send a body with the flowIds you want to search such as { "ids": ["sign-in"] } or { "ids": ["sign-in", "sign-up"] }.

See Also

  • See Flow Overview for more information on flows.
  • See Manage Flows for more information on managing (export, import, delete, disable, enable) flows.

Endpoint Authentication

Use authorization bearer header with the following format:

Authorization: Bearer \<ProjectId:ManagementKey\>

Try it


The Authorization access token


Bearer <token>

< Project ID >:< Management Key > as bearer

In: header

Request Body


Status codeDescription
curl -X POST "" \
  -d '{
  "ids": [

  "flows": [
      "id": "string",
      "version": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "dsl": {},
      "modifiedTime": "string",
      "etag": "string",
      "disabled": true,
      "translate": true,
      "translateConnectorID": "string",
      "translateSourceLang": "string",
      "translateTargetLangs": [
      "fingerprint": true,
      "widget": true
  "total": 0

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