Multi-Region Support

Descope allows you to create projects across multiple regions. When creating a Descope Project, user data and all project configurations will only be stored and maintained within the region that the project resides in. Once a region has been selected during project creation, all user and tenant data cannot be moved between regions.

Currently Supported Regions

When on a Descope Pro or Enterprise plan, you can select which region to store the data when creating a new project.

Descope currently supports data residency in the following regions:

  • US (Northern Virginia)
  • EU (Frankfurt)

If you are interested in EU data residency and on a Free Forever plan, reach out to Descope support

Data Centers

For EU users, Descope is compliant with all GDPR regulations

Descope leverages AWS data centers across the supported regions for the secure storage and processing of project and user information. Our data practices strictly adhere to all major regulatory requirements, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and compliance at all times.

Localized Base URLs

Since Descope services exist in multiple data centers, the base URL of the requests will change, depending on where your Descope Project is localized to.

If you're using CNAME with your Descope Project, your CNAME will need to point to the right localized Descope base URL. If you're not using CNAME, you will need to make sure that your API requests are pointing to the right localized base URL.

Using Custom Domain and CNAME


To configure a custom CNAME for your Descope project, make sure that the domain points to the localized URL in your DNS settings. The localized base URL for your project's region can be found in the table above.

This is also mentioned under our Custom Domain section.

Not Using Custom Domain and CNAME

Each supported region has a distinct localized base URL designed for requests made to Descope Services from Descope Projects hosted within those regions.

Descope SDKs

When using the Descope SDKs, you do not need to worry about using the correct localized base URL. The SDK will automatically determine your correct region from the Project ID you provide.

Descope APIs


When using Descope Services with our APIs, all requests made to any of the Descope API endpoints must use the specific baseURL that is designated for your project's region. A full list can be found at the table above.


When configuring an OIDC application in the console, the issuer and discovery URLs will automatically be localized to your project's region. They will use the same base URLs, as described in the table above, and they can be found in your Application's settings.

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