Passkeys with Mobile SDKs

This guide is meant for developers that are NOT using Descope Flows to design login screens and authentication methods.

If you'd like to use Descope Flows, Quick Start should be your starting point.

Descope supports passkeys which allow for users to authenticate via the FIDO Alliance's WebAuthn standard. This standard allows for users to authenticate using a variety of methods including biometrics, hardware tokens, and more.

Client SDK

Install SDK

// 1. Within XCode, go to File > Add Packages
// 2. Search for the URL of the git repo:
// 3. Configure your desired dependency rule
// 4. Click Add Package

Import and initialize SDK


  • baseUrl: Custom domain that must be configured to manage token response in cookies. This makes sure every request to our service is through your custom domain, preventing accidental domain blockages.
import DescopeKit
import AuthenticationServices
do {
    Descope.setup(projectId: "__ProjectID__") { config in
      // Optional: Only set baseURL if using a custom domain with Descope and managing token response with cookies
      config.baseURL = ""
    print("Successfully initialized Descope")
} catch {
    print("Failed to initialize Descope")


Users can authenticate by creating or using a passkey. Configure your Passkey/WebAuthn settings on the Descope console. Make sure it is enabled and that the top level domain is configured correctly. After that, go through the Add support for Digital Asset Links setup, as described in the official Google docs, and complete the asset links and manifest preparations.

Note: The passkey operations are all suspending functions that perform network requests before and after displaying the modal authentication view. It is thus recommended to switch the user interface to a loading state before calling them, otherwise the user might accidentally interact with the app when the authentication view is not being displayed.

do {
    let authResponse = try await Descope.passkey.native(provider: .apple, options: [])
    let session = DescopeSession(from: authResponse)
} catch DescopeError.oauthNativeCancelled {
    print("Authentication canceled")
} catch {

Session Validation

The final step of completing the authentication with Descope is to validate the user session. Descope provides rich session management capabilities, including configurable session timeouts and logout functions. You can find the details and sample code for client session validation here.

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