Inbound Apps Consent Flows

Within Descope's Inbound Apps, you must configure the Flow Hosting URL, which hosts your consent flow. Descope has added additional flow components for the Inbound Apps to accommodate the consent easily inflows. These are outlined in this guide, as well as instructions on how to build a general consent flow.

Inbound App Flow Components

Descope has added the Inbound App Logo and Inbound App Scopes components to Descope flows.

The Inbound App Logo allows you to automatically display the configured Inbound Application's logo and arrows associating that you connect the Inbound to your application. Your configured logo within your styles will be used here.

The Inbound App Scopes automatically captures the applicable scopes configured on the application and displays them so the user can verify before continuing.

Inbound application flow components in Descope

This section will cover implementing the above-referenced consent screen into a consent flow. Since you are still likely to utilize your usual authentication flow, you can utilize a subflow within your consent flow. This allows you to consistently use the same authentication flow with the additional consent screen to maintain a consistent user experience.

Once you have authenticated the user, you'll want to check whether the user has already consented to the application within a flow condition. The example below shows how to use the thirdPartyApp.user.consented context key to verify whether the user has already consented. If the user has, you can show them a screen where they've already consented or continue to the end of the flow. If the user has not consented, you can display the consent screen outlined in the above section.

Inbound application flow condition to check if the user has already granted consent in Descope

Once you have added your consent screen, you will need to use the Update User Consent action. You could also add additional logic or suggest the user go back if they denied the authorization. The configured consent flow, like all flows, can be tailored to your design and logical needs. Below is a simple example of a completed consent flow.

Inbound application example consent flow in Descope

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